Author: southerncelebrationsmag

Que savoir du licenciement pour inaptitude

Plusieurs raisons peuvent expliquer une rupture unilatérale du contrat de travail : mauvaise conduite, non-respect des termes dudit contrat, ou encore inaptitude. À ce propos, l’inaptitude fera l’objet de notre développement. Elle représente l’incapacité du salarié à exécuter les fonctions qui lui sont confiées, pour diverses raisons. Cependant, un employé qui est sujet à un renvoi…

By southerncelebrationsmag 2 April 2022 Off

Best Private Security Companies

  One of The Best Private Bodyguard Companies London’s one of the best private bodyguard companies provides their clientele with security, protection in the United Kingdom. Such companies specialize in property and home security, event security, and close protection. These private security companies offer personal security for all types of people and fitting well with…

By southerncelebrationsmag 24 March 2021 Off

What are backlinks?

Backlinks are used by search engines such as Google and Bing to rank your website. The higher your website rank, the higher your chances of appearing on Google search results. In this article, you will learn about backlinks, their importance, and how you can increase the number of links connecting to your site. Description Do…

By southerncelebrationsmag 8 February 2021 Off